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In business, a leader does not need to necessarily have the strongest technical skills or have the most detailed knowledge of the business. Rather, in order to be a successful business leader, one must be able to effectively influence and encourage the people around them. Every leader must be self aware enough to know their weaknesses and find ways to improve those traits. While some traits may come naturally to some leaders, most traits can be learned through practice and education.  

Traits of Effective Leaders


In order to create a successful company, a business leader must be held accountable for their actions, in addition to holding others accountable. This is a crucial aspect of corporate governance. Creating a culture of accountability is beneficial for an organization because it builds a sense of trust. Being able to admit, justify, and take responsibility for mistakes allows for a productive team. Everyone has limitations; being able to acknowledge those limitations and move forward will ultimately provide both leaders and constituents to trust in their team. Accountability means meeting your commitments, being proactive, and holding yourself responsible. Additionally, accountability prevents the possibility of unethical behavior within your organization. By having accountability as part of your culture, you can implement a strategy that is possible for the company. 

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How to develop creativity:

As children, we think boundlessly and let our minds wander to its ends. As we grow up, we judge ourselves, which in turn results in less creative thought. To cultivate a creative mind, adapt a child's mind and let your mind wander without judgement. Although you may not want a child to run your business, allowing yourself to look at a problem from a new perspective can provide innovative solutions. Be confident in your creativity! 

Additionally, there are many ways resources available that can help you get into a creative mindset: 

  • IDEO is a leading company in things relating to innovation and creativity. They designed the first mouse for Apple. They provide new solutions to problems pertinent to companies and society, such as rethinking food design for a sustainable future, using video games to develop emotional strength in children, and redesigning the education system. They provide tools for business leaders to help develop creative confidence. Their website contains many tools for developing a creative mindset in yourself and your team. 


  • Get outside. A study performed by Stanford has shown that going on walks boost creativity quickly and long term. Download the app AllTrails to show hiking spots in your area and around the world. 


There is an African proverb that states, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Being able to collaborate on projects is important for any leader. Leaders must be able to encourage open communication between teams, in which team members can freely share their ideas and opinions. When team members are working together to improve upon their ideas and goals, the company ultimately reaps the benefits. 

How to be collaborative:

  • You can become more collaborative by using an abundance mentality. Consider bringing more people to the table. However, teams over the size of 20 tend to become ineffective. Bring people that will be able to best serve your team. 

  • Ask for help. Reach out to coworkers and ask for their input on the various aspects of your work. This may contribute to developing a culture of collaboration as they may reciprocate when they seek advice on their work. 

  • Say "yes and..." When coworkers suggest a new idea, instead of shooting down their idea, try to build off of it. Eliminate "no but..." from your vocabulary and try to adopt positive and encouraging language. This will help in developing a more collaborative culture on your team. 


Being inspired by the work you are doing will permeate into all parts of your work. You will excite others about the work that they are doing, improve upon your own work ethic, and strive for the best results. The best way to make sure that you are enthusiastic about your work is to make sure that you personally align with the mission and vision of your company. If you do not resonate with your work, you will often not be able to lead to the best of your abilities and your results will often show your lack of enthusiasm. 

How to develop enthusiasm:

  • Step back and think big picture. When working on a tedious or menial task, you can lose your enthusiasm for your work. One way to combat this is by stepping back and thinking about the broader impact of the work that you are doing for your organization. 

  • Re-assume your enthusiasm. Think about when you were originally hired for your position or when you completed a challenging project. Think about the enthusiasm you held then and try to emulate that enthusiasm.

  • Know that every day will not be perfect. Work may not always be empowering. It is normal to have a bad day at work. Return the next day with a positive attitude and try to rekindle the joy for your work.

How to develop accountability within your organization: 

- Develop a culture of ethical behavior. This can be done through boundaries, culture, and rewards. Leaders play an imperative role in setting the culture of a company. Your coworkers will adapt to the behavior that you model. (Dess, McNamara, Eisner, Lee, 270).

- Set goals that are attainable. When companies have an issue with accountability, it is often due to goals or strategy that is unrealistic. Take time to evaluate the underlying problem that may be present in your company and strive to fix those problems. Communicate effectively with your peers and check to see if they are understand what is expected or if they need assistance. (


Creativity can prove to be valuable in many facets of business from product development, to marketing, to problem solving. Creativity is the differentiation of thought which ultimately allows for companies to differentiate from their competitors and ultimately disrupt their industries. Creativity allows for leaders to become visionaries. Every industry is influenced by the creativity of the competitors. In order to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage, leaders must be creative and encourage creativity.



In order to effectively lead, leaders must understand the topic upon which they are leading. To best lead, one must be able to make educated decisions, educate their constituents, and expand upon their current ideas. The only way this can be done is by being knowledgeable on relevant topics. The best way to be knowledgeable is to study global and industry trends that may pertain to your business and best practices of business.  

How to develop knowledge: 

  • Return to school. Join a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program to further develop your hard skills. These programs often take two years/ four semesters to complete.

  • offers over 1200 courses on business. You can further refine skills like Excel, coding, and marketing practices.

  • Subscribe to business journals and magazines. Top journals include Forbes, Bloomberg, The Economist, Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and Money.

  • Find a mentor and learn about their experience in business. They can help you expand your network and provide advice. 

  • Gain experience.  The best way to refine your skills is to put them in practice and have a job in the field you want to better understand. 

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